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Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor Touring FootPegs


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Touring Footpeg relocation assemblies

Laser cut and die pressed left and right units

Comes with full conversion setup including a new brake pedal

All mounting hardware in a pre-assembled form to ensure it is a simple DIY job.

Extensively tested with great reviews from riders of all build types.

Robust three point mounting( as against the OEM 2) to ensure sturdiness.

This one is for the riders who loved the original bullet stance.

Coupled with our bar risers it offers one of the best stances for both highway as well as in city traffic.

It has also been observed the relocation also allows better venting of the hot air from the engine which otherwise would be hitting the leg

Designed and Manufactured by indiMotard’s Greasehouse



Additional information

Weight1 kg


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