by prime | Apr 20, 2012 | India, kari speedway, motorcycle race school, Motorcycle Racing, TWO racing school
Cut the Bull SHIT and let’s get shot out of that Cannon this weekend. Let’s go RACE!!! by prime | Oct 18, 2011 | CBR250R, coimbatore, Honda XR250, Indimotard, kari speedway, motorcycle race school, motorcycle racing school india, TWO racing school
And keep that throttle wrung… GO GO GO!!! by prime | Feb 11, 2011 | Indimotard, kari speedway, motorcycle race school, motorcycle track school, TWO racing school
to where all the Magic happens. You better be coming to the race track for the 5th edition of TWO to see it happen.pic: thedayafteryoudie by prime | Nov 19, 2010 | Indimotard, kari speedway, Motorcycle Racing, motorcycle racing school india, TWO racing school
India’s first motorcycle track school is back again with another weekend of fast ridin’ and madness! With in depth theory sessions, tons of track time and instructors at hand to give you personalised attention, you’d be left behind if you... by prime | Mar 29, 2010 | coimbatore, Indimotard, kari speedway, TWO, TWO racing school
The Flags were out…The Grid was lined up… And… We KEPT IT HOLY. by prime | Mar 28, 2010 | coimbatore, kari speedway, racing school india, Throttle wide open, TWO racing school
We hit the track at the crack of Dawn Leathers were hung out And we went to school…